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  • Produkter | HMSdesign AS

    HMS-arbeid og online HMS-system HMS og HR system med digitaliserte håndbøker, sjekklister og rutiner. Alt du behøver for kontroll over ditt HMS-arbeid, enkelt delt med dine ledere og ansatte. Les mer her Kurs og opplæring HMSdesign har et bredt utvalg av åpne og bedriftsinterne kurs innen HMS, ledelse, arbeidsmiljø med mer for ledere og verneombud. Les mer her kurspåmelding Om du vet hvilke kurs du skal ha, kan du gå direkte til vår side for bestilling. Les mer her Miljøfyrtårn Miljøfyrtårn er et anerkjent og effektivt verktøy for sertifisering og miljøledelse, som hjelper virksomheter å lykkes med grønn omstilling. Les mer her

  • HMSdesign | HMSdesign AS

    HMSdesign AS is a consulting company that offers services within Occupational Health Services, HR, HSE, quality and management adapted to the HORECA industry. These subject areas are often taken care of in isolation, but with current regulations and requirements for the involvement of employees, the border crossings are less natural. "Good HSE is good management" HSE work and quality We have the knowledge, service, commitment, technology and willingness to share our knowledge of targeted HSE and quality work. Your needs and our experience mean that together we target measures and prioritize what matters most to you. We are a partner that assists senior managers, middle managers and employees in work-related issues and skills development within HSE work. By focusing on systematic HSE work, it will be possible to achieve better routines, less sick leave and a greater degree of employee participation. This in turn provides better quality in the work for the employee, better results for the company, greater competitiveness, trust among customers and the desire to work for the individual. Course and training Skilled and inspiring course leaders are a prerequisite for good course experiences and a good learning environment. Our speakers are known for creating good arenas for learning and skills development. HMSdesign offers a wide range of open and in-company courses that are adapted to selected industries. Examples of courses are Basic training Work environment, HSE courses for managers, Risk and risk management, Sick leave and presence work, Employee interviews, The necessary interview, conflict management and prevention of sexual harassment. HMSdesign offers industry-oriented courses for the HORECA market with, among other things, Development programs for managers, Food safety with IK food and HACCP and IK alcohol and more. And We can prepare customized programs for leadership development and competence-enhancing measures for your business. HR and management The HR area is very large, and the need for services often varies from company to company. HSE design is based on tailoring services according to management philosophy and management style as well as the employees and the company's needs. We provide operational services within the entire HR spectrum. We must be able to perform as much as possible for you as a leader, so that you can bring out the best in your core business. We believe that good HR services must be adapted to each individual company and each individual work environment. You are therefore free to decide which services you want from us. Routines and procedures As an employer, you have a duty to prepare and acquaint your employees with a number of procedures and routines. What routines and procedures must be developed and to what extent must the HSE system have? This can be very time consuming and complicated to prepare, especially when you do not have sufficient knowledge or experience with the type of work before. We at HMSdesign have effective methods for preparing and implementing the necessary routines for your company.

  • Kontakt oss | HMSdesign AS

    Contact Ole Anders Grong General manager and senior advisor Approved Environmental Lighthouse Consultant Mobile: 920 54 561 Email: Linkedin Marlene Grønbæk Grini Senior Advisor Mobile: 982 05 010 Email: Linkedin Tom Arne Størseth Occupational Hygienist and Senior Counselor Mobile: 954 84 088 Email: Linkedin Sven Tore Grimstad Specialist in occupational medicine and specialist in psychiatry Mobile: 911 58 061 Email: Linkedin Kari Bjerkeng Grong Occupational nurse and psychiatric nurse Contact via switchboard : Linkedin Claus Sloth Occupational physiotherapist Mobile: 901 44 893 Email: Linkedin The head office in Oslo Kontakt oss: Contact Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev HMSdesign lager infoskriv om relevante nyheter, arrangement og faglige oppdateringer. Send inn Jeg godtar retningslinjene for påmelding av nyhetsbrev Vis retningslinjer for personvern

  • Håndtering av personopplysninger | HMSdesign AS

    Handling of personal information HMSdesign AS processes your personal information in order to handle your inquiry, as well as build an interest profile . This is used to customize page views on our websites with a view to increasing relevance for you. The information and interest profile also form the basis for being able to contact you, as well as disseminate information and offers. We will only communicate such information by e-mail if you have thanked YES to this. And In order for us to form a picture of what you are interested in, we use the information you provide us on our website and the use of our services. You can at any time request that this type of personal data be deleted, as well as withdraw your consent to further processing of your personal data for the purposes described above. And Feel free to contact us at to get more information about our documentation in this connection, or if you have other questions about how HMSdesign AS processes your personal information. You have the right to request access to, correction or restriction of, as well as the right to protest against our processing of your personal data. And You will find more information about our processing of personal data and your rights in our privacy statement . HORECA Akademiet AS processes your personal information in order to handle your inquiry, as well as build an interest profile. This is used to customize page views on our websites with a view to increasing relevance for you. The information and interest profile also form the basis for being able to contact you, as well as disseminate information and offers. We will only communicate such information by e-mail if you have thanked YES to this. And In order for us to form a picture of what you are interested in, we use the information you provide us on our website and the use of our services. You can at any time request that this type of personal data be deleted, as well as withdraw your consent to further processing of your personal data for the purposes described above. And Feel free to contact us at to get more information about our documentation in this connection, or if you have other questions about how HORECA Akademiet AS processes your personal information. You have the right to request access to, correction or restriction of, as well as the right to protest against our processing of your personal data. And You will find more information about our processing of personal data and your rights in our privacy statement .

  • HORECA Akademiet | HMSdesign AS

    HORECA Akademiet is a consulting company that offers a wide range of services within e-learning and LMS, checklists and control forms, courses and training as well as quality management TQM for the HORECA industry. E-learning and LMS competence set in system On average, employees only have 24 minutes per week to acquire new knowledge. E-learning and "micro-learning" will be good arenas for raising the competence among managers and employees. Do you need to ensure the quality of the training of your employees? We use technology to develop new arenas for learning and skills development. By facilitating the use of the Mobile digital learning platform (LMS), we facilitate industry-oriented knowledge and offer it easily accessible to everyone. You as an employer also get a simple overview of the competence in your own business and can document this by supervision etc. And HORECA @kademiet uses the renowned and award-winning LMS solution developed by eloomi. Checklists and control form To ensure compliance with routines and procedures given in the training, we can offer systems with digital forms and checklists. To-do list is a list of tasks that can be ticked off when they are considered complete. The list can be assigned to individuals or as a shared list to several people, where multiple users can participate and complete the list. And The control form consists of a list of control points, where you select pass or fail. In addition, the control screen can be connected to users or departments to provide an overview of who meets the requirements. Course and training Skilled and inspiring course leaders are a prerequisite for good course experiences and a good learning environment. Our speakers have extensive experience from their role as advisors and supervisors in the industry in addition to experience from operations. HORECA @kademiet offers a wide range of open and in-company courses that are adapted for the industry. We offer IK-mat and HACCP courses at three professional levels, preparation of IK alcohol and employees' competence, kitchen finances and operating routines for chefs and management training courses for new managers in the industry. Quality management TQM Quality management is the management's work to set overall goals, quality plans and responsibility for implementation. Quality management involves developing a quality system, an organizational structure with procedures, processes and resources needed for good quality work. Quality management applies at all levels in the company from top management, middle managers and managers of daily operations. And HORECA @kademiet has experience and knowledge to contribute to the work of developing structures, training managers and involving employees to take responsibility for their own workplace. And We at HORECA @kademiet can also assist in the work of evaluating achieved results for system implementation and training.

  • FAQ | HMSdesign AS

    FAQ: FAQ Frequently Asked Questions Do you still have questions? Contact us and we will give you feedback as soon as possible. Contact Us

  • Kurspåmelding | HMSdesign AS

    Conditions for course registration Registration is via the registration form on the website. You will receive confirmation of your course registration. Your registration is binding when it is received with us. Given vacancies and the opportunity for practical arrangements, we accept registrations close to the course date. And Invoicing We send out invoices by e-mail. An invoice will be issued as soon as possible after your registration. Issued invoices have a 14-day payment deadline. Course certificates will be issued after the invoice has been paid. If your company requires an order reference, this must be received by us at the same time as your course registration. And Cancellation If you have to cancel your course place, you will be charged a course fee according to the following rules: If you cancel later than 14 days before the start of the course, or in case of no-show, 100% of the course fee will be charged If you cancel later than four weeks before the start of the course, but earlier than two weeks before the course, 50% of the course fee will be charged If a participant is unable to apply, but provides another person to take over the place, there will be no cancellation fee in addition to the ordinary participation fee. In the event of illness, a sick note must be submitted. We ask to be notified of the change as soon as this is known. And Cancellation of course Reservations are made regarding implementation and participant restriction. HMSdesign reserves the right to cancel any course at any time. If a course is canceled, the participation fee will be refunded. HSEdesign is not responsible for financial consequences as a result of canceled courses beyond this.

  • HMSdesign AS | Bedriftshelsetjeneste | HMS | HR | Kurs

    Book your team meeting HMSdesign AS and SALIS BHT AS collaborate to deliver preventive occupational health services to the HORECA industry and selected industries. And Together we work for a "fresher" tourism Norway. read more Coronavirus - advice and information We update our news with current information regarding the coronavirus. read more HMSdesign AS is a consulting company that offers services within Occupational Health Services, HR, HSE, quality and management. We must be able to perform as much as possible for you as a leader, so that you can bring out the best in your core business. We believe that good HR services must be adapted to each individual company and each individual work environment. And HMSdesign also offers management training adapted to your needs and challenges. "Good HSE is good management" read more HORECA Akademiet is a consulting company that offers a wide range of services within e-learning and LMS. We also have solutions for electronic checklists and control forms. read more Here is a selection from our customer portfolio

  • Hjem | HMSdesign AS

    Industry-oriented occupational health service that offers services within HR, HSE, quality and management HSEdesign is an interdisciplinary occupational health service with solid expertise in HSE, HR, work environment and management. We also provide services within courses and training, organizational development, customized work environment surveys and online HSE solutions. Together with our customers, we work for a healthy and safe working environment with healthy and motivated managers and employees. We are specialists for the HORECA industry and service companies in the private sector. HSEdesign is a subdivision of SALIS Bedriftshelsetjeneste which is a officially approved BHT. Våre tjenester og produkter Bedriftshelsetjenester HMSdesign er en fagkyndig og rådgivende tjeneste innen forebyggende HMS-arbeid. Les mer her Kurs og opplæring HMSdesign har et bredt utvalg av åpne og bedriftsinterne kurs innen HMS, ledelse, arbeidsmiljø med mer for ledere og verneombud. Les mer her HMS-system HMS og HR system med digitaliserte håndbøker, sjekklister og rutiner. Alt du behøver for kontroll over ditt HMS-arbeid, enkelt delt med dine ledere og ansatte. Les mer her Miljøfyrtårn Miljøfyrtårn er et anerkjent og effektivt verktøy som hjelper bedrifter med å skape konkurransefortrinn av bærekraft. Les mer her Book ditt teams-møte Vi er tilgjengelig når du har ledig tid i din kalender. Bestill gjerne møte med oss i vår booking-kalender. Du får epost med bekreftelse på møte og lenke for å starte selve møte. Prøv selv, det er enkelt og praktisk og passer alltid din egen kalender. ​ Book Teamsmøte Online HMS Vi hjelper deg med å organisere HMS-arbeidet på en helhetlig og praktisk måte. Systemet involverer de ansatte og bidrar til å skape profesjonalitet, lojalitet, og kultur. Innlogging HMS-system Utdrag fra våre nyheter No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Godkjent bedriftshelsetjeneste Bedriftshelsetjenesten ved HMSDESIGN AS er offentlig godkjent bedriftshelsetjeneste med godkjenningsnummer AT-2204. HMSdesign er medlem i NHO HMSDESIGN AS er medlem i NHO Geneo. Hele verdikjeden innen helse, velferd og oppvekst - tjenesteleverandører, innovative kunnskapsbedrifter og industri er samlet i ny landsforening. Here is a selection from our customer portfolio

  • Samarbeidspartnere | HMSdesign AS

    Our partners HMSdesign recommends companies that have cutting-edge expertise and qualities that support our values ​​and strategies. Here you can read about some of our partners. And Feel free to contact us if you see an opportunity with us! easy @ work Duty lists, salaries, key figures and business management Replace cluttered and old rosters with a system that offers a good overview of all employees. See who is on duty, available, changing shifts and easily manage your employees' vacations. And The system gives your company a complete salary overview of the individual employee. Example: All supplements, rest periods, absence management, contract calculations and more. The system is also ready for direct integration of files to your accounting office. If your business has special needs - together we will find a solution. read more The law firm JUDICIA DA Trond Svinø is a Lawyer / partner in the law firm JUDICIA and our partner in Labor Law Trond assists a number of private and public companies with employment law advice. The advice covers the entire field of employment law, from the design of agreements and frameworks, advice and assistance related to handling redundancies / downsizing and dispute resolution. Trond also teaches in labor law topics both at the college level and for the private sector. Trond is forward-thinking, interested and gives clear advice, at the same time as he is solution-oriented. And Judicia is a modern law firm based on solid experience, high professional competence and integrity, and accessibility for its clients. read more

  • Personvernerklæring | HMSdesign AS

    Privacy statement 1. Who is responsible for treatment? This privacy statement applies to HMSdesign AS and HORECA Akademiet AS's websites. HMSdesign AS org. no. 821 743 192 and HORECA Akademiet AS 921 667 817 is responsible for the processing of personal data collected on the website . And 2. What is the purpose? Our registrations only contain information that the person voluntarily gives us and we do not collect information for this purpose from third parties. The information is obtained only to: get in touch to offer relevant products and services as well as to provide good customer service send relevant information get access to our products and services And 3. What is the legal basis? The legal basis for the processing of privacy information is based on voluntary, express and informed consent. And 4. What personal data is processed? Examples of information obtained and registered: Company name Contact person Company address / invoice address Phone number and email address Information about your use of the website, including in the form of which subpages are visited, browser settings and IP address HMSdesign AS and HORECA Akademiet AS do not collect personal information such as date of birth and social security number or information about personal payment cards. And 5. Where does the information come from? HMSdesign AS and HORECA Akademiet AS collect information through forms on our website after: filling in the contact form desire to try one of our products or services purchase of products or services on our websites registration for webinars and / or courses downloading documents from our website n sign up to receive newsletters or blogs by email And 6. Is it voluntary to provide the information? It is voluntary to provide personal information to HMSdesign AS and HORECA Akademiet AS. If you choose not to provide personal information, we may be prevented from giving you access to any of our products or services. And 7. Is the information disclosed to third parties? The personal information is not shared with outside third parties, but HMSdesign AS and HORECA Akademiet AS may use subcontractors for the development and maintenance of the website. Such subcontractors may process personal data on behalf of HMSdesign AS and HORECA Akademiet AS. And 8. How is the information deleted and archived? Information is obtained through forms on and HORECA Akademiet AS which are stored in our CRM system. The information is deleted on request by contacting and when we receive information about changes in the employment relationship from the employee or employer. And 9. What rights does the data subject have and which countries' legislation applies? As a user of our website, you have the right to demand access to the personal information we process about you and how it is processed. You can also demand correction, deletion and restrictions in the processing of personal data in accordance with the current Personal Data Act in Norway. In cases where the processing of personal data is based on consent, you can withdraw the consent at any time. And 10. How is the information secured? Employees of HMSdesign AS and HORECA Akademiet AS have access to the company's CRM-System via personal login and have signed a declaration of confidentiality in relation to the processing of information registered in the system. If you believe that HMSdesign AS and HORECA Akademiet AS have not complied with your rights in accordance with the Personal Data Act, you have the right to complain to the relevant supervisory authority. This is done by sending a complaint to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority, contact information is available at . And 11) Contact information HMSdesign AS HMSdesign AS Oslo Phone: 920 54 561 Email: 821 743 192 And 12) Contact information HORECA Akademiet AS HORECA Akademiet AS Ørsta Phone: 920 54 561 Email: 921 667 817

  • Nyheter | HMSdesign AS

    HMSdesign news Tips, updates and news about everything in HR, HSE, quality and management No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

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